@inproceedings{doerksen2024aipowered,title={AI-powered school mapping and connectivity status prediction using Earth Observation},author={Doerksen, Kelsey and Tingzon, Isabelle and Kim, Do-Hyung},booktitle={ICLR 2024 Machine Learning for Remote Sensing (ML4RS) Workshop},month=may,year={2024},}
Mapping housing stock characteristics from drone images for climate resilience in the Caribbean
Isabelle Tingzon, Nuala Margaret Cowan, and Pierre Chrzanowski
@article{tingzon2023mapping,title={Mapping housing stock characteristics from drone images for climate resilience in the Caribbean},volume={3},doi={10.1017/eds.2024.46},journal={Environmental Data Science},author={Tingzon, Isabelle and Cowan, Nuala Margaret and Chrzanowski, Pierre},year={2024},pages={e29},}
Fusing VHR Post-Disaster Aerial Imagery and LiDAR Data for Roof Classification in the Caribbean
Isabelle Tingzon, Nuala Margaret Cowan, and Pierre Chrzanowski
In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Workshops, Oct 2023
@inproceedings{Tingzon_2023_ICCV,author={Tingzon, Isabelle and Cowan, Nuala Margaret and Chrzanowski, Pierre},title={Fusing VHR Post-Disaster Aerial Imagery and LiDAR Data for Roof Classification in the Caribbean},booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Workshops},month=oct,year={2023},pages={3740-3747},}
Towards Impactful Applications of AI4EO in the Global South
Isabelle Tingzon, James Matthew Miraflor, Xiao Xiang Zhu, and 1 more author
In 2023 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE), Oct 2023
@inproceedings{tingzon2023towards,author={Tingzon, Isabelle and Miraflor, James Matthew and Xiang Zhu, Xiao and Kochupillai, Mrinalini},booktitle={2023 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE)},title={Towards Impactful Applications of AI4EO in the Global South},year={2023},pages={1-4},doi={10.1109/JURSE57346.2023.10144197},}
Identifying Chronic Disease Patients using Predictive Algorithms in Pharmacy Administrative Claims: An Application in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Ervant J Maksabedian Hernandez, Isabelle Tingzon, Lorenzo Ampil, and 1 more author
@article{maksabedian2021identifying,title={Identifying Chronic Disease Patients using Predictive Algorithms in Pharmacy Administrative Claims: An Application in Rheumatoid Arthritis},author={Maksabedian Hernandez, Ervant J and Tingzon, Isabelle and Ampil, Lorenzo and Tiu, Jessica},journal={Journal of Medical Economics},volume={24},number={1},pages={1272--1279},year={2021},publisher={Taylor \& Francis},}
Interpretable poverty mapping using social media data, satellite images, and geospatial information
Chiara Ledesma, Oshean Lee Garonita, Lorenzo Jaime Flores, and 2 more authors
In Machine Learning for the Developing World (ML4D) NeurIPS Workshop, Oct 2020
@inproceedings{ledesma2020interpretable,title={Interpretable poverty mapping using social media data, satellite images, and geospatial information},author={Ledesma, Chiara and Garonita, Oshean Lee and Flores, Lorenzo Jaime and Tingzon, Isabelle and Dalisay, Danielle},booktitle={Machine Learning for the Developing World (ML4D) NeurIPS Workshop},year={2020},}
Mapping New Informal Settlements using Machine Learning and Time Series Satellite Images: An Application in the Venezuelan Migration Crisis
Isabelle Tingzon, Niccolo Dejito, Ren Avell Flores, and 7 more authors
In 2020 IEEE/ITU International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Good (AI4G), Oct 2020
@inproceedings{tingzon2020mapping,title={Mapping New Informal Settlements using Machine Learning and Time Series Satellite Images: An Application in the {Venezuelan} Migration Crisis},author={Tingzon, Isabelle and Dejito, Niccolo and Flores, Ren Avell and De Guzman, Rodolfo and Carvajal, Liliana and Erazo, Katerine Zapata and Cala, Ivan Enrique Contreras and Villaveces, Jeffrey and Rubio, Daniela and Ghani, Rayid},booktitle={2020 IEEE/ITU International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Good (AI4G)},pages={198--203},year={2020},organization={IEEE},}
Mapping Socioeconomic Indicators using Social Media Advertising Data
Masoomali Fatehkia, Isabelle Tingzon, Ardie Orden, and 4 more authors
@article{fatehkia2020mapping,title={Mapping Socioeconomic Indicators using Social Media Advertising Data},author={Fatehkia, Masoomali and Tingzon, Isabelle and Orden, Ardie and Sy, Stephanie and Sekara, Vedran and Garcia-Herranz, Manuel and Weber, Ingmar},journal={EPJ Data Science},volume={9},number={1},pages={22},year={2020},publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg},}
Mapping Poverty in the Philippines Using Machine Learning, Satellite Imagery, and Crowd-sourced Geospatial Information
Isabelle Tingzon, Ardie Orden, KT Go, and 6 more authors
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial Information Sciences, Oct 2019
@article{tingzon2019mapping,title={Mapping Poverty in the {Philippines} Using Machine Learning, Satellite Imagery, and Crowd-sourced Geospatial Information},author={Tingzon, Isabelle and Orden, Ardie and Go, KT and Sy, S and Sekara, V and Weber, Ingmar and Fatehkia, M and Garc{\'\i}a-Herranz, M and Kim, D},journal={International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing \& Spatial Information Sciences},year={2019},google_scholar_id={nrtMV_XWKgEC},}